Training of Facilitators in Lego® Serious Play®
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a highly successful facilitated meeting, communication and problem solving method.
Training of Facilitators in LEGO Serious Play
Become a LEGO Serious Play Facilitator and support teams and organisations playfully in their development processes!
Carlo Spellucci from Rasmussen Consulting, Trainer of Facilitators from Rome/Italy, offers a live training in Munich, June 19th to 22nd.
LEGO Serious Play is a creative method for exploring real challenges of our daily business life.
It is a facilitated process that supports teams and organisations in dealing with these challenges, develop solutions and grow.
The LEGO Serious Play Foundation Program to become a certified facilitator, a four-day training, gives you the full skillset, insights and practice you need to fully master the methodology, to prepare and deliver workshops using LEGO Serious Play.